Founder’s Biography

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Alhaja Lateefah Modupeola Okunnu, OFR

Alhaja Lateefah Modupeola Okunnu, OFR, who is the Convener, LMO Foundation is a retired Civil Servant with a wealth of administrative experience. After a fulfilling career in both the Lagos State and Federal Civil Service, she reached the pinnacle of her career in 1986 when she was appointed a Permanent Secretary and later, a Director-General in the Political Affairs, Office of the Cabinet.

In 1990, she was appointed the Deputy Governor of Lagos State and later, a Chairman Caretaker Committee of the National Republic Convention (NRC) till 1993 when the Party’s Executive Council took over. She retired from the Federal Civil Service in 1994.

She is a founding member and 2nd National Amirah (President) of the Federation of Muslim Women’s Associations in Nigeria (FOMWAN).

Thereafter, she was appointed the Assistant Secretary-General for Africa of the newly established International Muslim Women’s Union as well as the National Coordinator of Muslim League for Accountability (MULAC), a body established for championing transparency and accountability in the private and public lives of Muslims and the Nigeria Society at large.

Presently, she is the Chairperson, Board of Trustees of FOMWAN as well as some Islamic Institutions. She holds a BA (Hons.) Geography and a Post Graduate Diploma in Education. 


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